
Promoting a Safer Church

Our approach to safeguarding is rooted in, and is a practical outworking and expression of, our biblically based values and supports and confirms our gospel witness.

Everyone who engages with Centre Church Droitwich has the right to be protected from any form of bullying or harassment, exploitation or abuse and we will seek to ensure that we provide a caring and nurturing environment that is open and transparent, and that promotes the raising of concerns.

We have a particular responsibility to protect and promote the wellbeing of those who are vulnerable, particularly children and adults at risk, ensuring they are safe while in our care and that we respond appropriately to disclosures or indicators that they may be experiencing abuse or neglect while in our care or elsewhere.

Every member of Centre Church Droitwich has a responsibility to act to support the values and commitments outlined in this policy.

Everyone who engages with Centre Church Droitwich has the right to be treated with dignity and respect.

Our full policy is available along with other information under the resources tab.


Designated safeguarding lead:

Rachel Marshall

07779 642680